Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Bloggity Blog Gorp

Welcome Bishop Family Bloggers!!! It's official! We have entered the great blogosphere! So...what does this mean, you ask? What on earth is a blog? Try clicking here to learn more. There, did that help? There are so many cool things we can use this blog for...keeping each other in the loop on things we're doing, thinking, etc. I know, I know, we have email for that as well. True. BUT, I am hoping, at least for those of us who are prone to procrastination (i.e. all original Bishops), that the novelty of the blog might inspire us to be a little more communicative! Let's see how long this lasts, eh?

Another major benefit I see is that we can get the nieces and nephews on this thing and hear what they are doing and what they think about this or that. We're scattering more and more now and this can help us feel not so far away from each other!

Hey, another thing we can use this blog for is tracking or encouraging each other in the family weight loss challenge! Don't you think it would be great to post links to inspiring websites or recipes or other such information on here? Fun AND informative!

Well, whatever you choose to use this blog for, I hope you do use it. This is an experiment, but I think it can be a really fun and interesting one! So, bloggers, on your marks...get set...GO!!!


Joel said...

I like to eat gorp. Bishop blog gorp tastes good. I've also lost 6 pounds eating Bishop blog gorp for breakfast. That blogety gorp goodness sure is numdiddlyumptious.

See how easy it is to blog? I just blogged that off the top of my gorp in a minute!

PS I might write something real once I have more than a second to encourage the rest of the family to join and have fun gorping...I mean blogging.


Christina said...

Nice. Thanks for responding Gorpy, I mean, Joel! You should be able to write your own original post too, if I'm not mistaken. Try it out! You may like green eggs and ham! Try it and you may, I say!

Stephanie & Brad Bishop said...

I went to SAMS club with my mother to purchase food for a trip to DC (we will see Christina YEAH) and my Mom's cart was full of fresh fruit, vegies, fish and lots of healthy food. My food was all pre-packaged, non-melting, high in protein (for Brandon who is BULKING UP for TRACK) CRAP!!!

We don't want to spend a fortune feeding our army while on the road, however, I think my trip to SAMS cost just as much as the $1 menu at MCD's. At least we can eat in the car as we travel.

We will also see Charles and Marie in Pennsylvania and tour New York with them for a day. We need the break.

My Dad had both of his knees replaced 3 weeks, and after spending 3 weeks away from home in a therapy hospital, he is home and progressing slowly. I know he will be happy when he heals. Oh, by the way-he has lost 20 pounds in 3 weeks! Any one want to start THAT diet!!!?

Heath said...

Thanks, Christina! This should be fun. Joel, I enjoyed your gorpity blogetty comment. Gorp and Blog are really funny words; they make me laugh.

Btw, Heath is short for Heather (my name isn't too good for nicknames, sorry) but Heath reminds me of chocolate, so it's all good : )

Anne said...

So, is it this easy to add a comment? I usually get caught up in the tricky technicalities and give it up. For instance, what's in the upper right corner of the screen, Adri? I think I'm missing the tool bar, and don't know how to find it. I want to put this and Christina's blog in my "favorites", but all I get is a list of the favorites already chosen. Such are the concerns of the computer-challenged.

bishlbish said...

Today was the start of our annual rock show. We had 350+ kids come from Utah County schools. I'm in charge of education and was had the responsibility for these groups. Some how we made it but it killed my back so we came home after and I went straight to bed. Joel and family and Russ Arnold's family are coming tomorrow. Too bad the rest of you are so far away. Plan on it next year. You will have fun or at least the kids will.

Joel said...

march 23, what a fun day. The kids didn't have school so we decided to do something really fun as a family. Like watch Joel suffer as he tries to pass a kidney stone, or see how many Lortab's he can take in one day before he passes out. Yeah. Anyway Duane came over and gave Joel a blessing and then Joel gave him a blessing. We have had a lot of need for Priesthood blessings in the last couple of weeks and are very grateful for the Priesthood.

Joel was feeling good enough (thanks to the drugs) to go to see a high school musical. It was outstanding. Luckily Anne watched the three youngest. unfortunately Joel battled to stay awake through the whole show, becaUSE OF THE DRUGS.

I hope March 23 was more memorable for you:)

Heath said...

That's a great old family photo, Christina : ) Love those 70s fashions! The Bradys had nothing on us!
On March 17th, both Marissa and Jenna competed in the Regional Tournament for Destination Imagination. Jenna's Improv team took 1st place out of all the middle schools there; she was really psyched! Marissa's high school theater arts challenge took 2nd place. Both girls' teams advance to the State competition in April. If they place 1st or 2nd there (which is pretty hard, as WI is one of the two top D.I. states in the U.S.; Texas is the other)they'll move on to the Global Finals in Knoxville, TN in May. We've been to State many times with Marissa's teams (not to Globals though), and this is Jenna's first time to go to State and compete, not just watch. I'm a proud mom (and coach for Marissa's team). The hard work and craziness since October have paid off!

BTW, Joel, I sure hope you're doing better by now. Owie!!