Thursday, May 17, 2007

Interview with an Adrianne

After reading many of these little blog interviews between Christina and her friends I decided to have a go. I would have just answered in the comment section of Christina's blog but then you cannot include photos, and I just had to. So you are all welcome to enjoy. Or not. That's your choice.
1. What is your greatest strength?
Oy a Job interview question! What sisterly position are you hiring for? I'm a fighter. This could obviously be taken and applied in numerous ways and its true in more ways than one. (Ultimately I fobbed this answer off of Jon but I agree.) In trying to come up with an answer, I turned to the internet for help (as questioning the magic iPod didn't seem appropriate). "Greatest Strength" turns up countless results for how to answer this as an interview question, also discussed is how your greatest strength can also be your greatest weakness. Well my answer would be case in point. And we'll just move along...
2. What is the most trouble you've ever been in?
We-ell there are times I should have been in big trouble... I guess that would have to be the time I stole the mayor's car accidentally kidnapping his nephew, but that's all been expunged from my record, so I won't mention that. OK! Middle School- Grade 8 I was sent to the principals office by the gym teacher, who falsely accused me of swearing at her. I did not do it! (hence the falseness of the accusation) The principal called dad while we were in his office and he told me dad said he could see that happening. I was indignant and crushed! (It was much later when I questioned dad about it and he told me he would never have said any such thing.) Subsequently I served a full day of in-school suspension. It was very emotionally harrowing, not to mention boring. 3. What was your favorite toy/doll/game from your childhood? Ignoring your request for a singular answer... Mandy doll Barbies My Little Pony(s) (Ask Ritch to sing the song for you) Monchhichi

4. 80's fashion or 70s couture?
While I was an avid participant in 80s fashion and thought I was cool at the time, I now mock/ groan/wince when I see 80s inspired fashion. My answer is 70s couture, I like this answer about 70s fashion appeal.
5. Who is your favorite younger sister?
Is this multiple choice? Give me a hint. Can I get back to you? Well, here are the rules: 1. Leave me a comment saying, “Interview me.” 2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions. 3. You will update your blog with the answers to the questions. (If you don't have a blog, well—I guess you could do it in the comments section of this post, if you really, really want to.) 4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post. 5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. **If any of the rest of you are interested you should also include a choice for your interviewer, since this is really not my blog. :)


Christina said...

Ha ha. All fully acceptable and hilarious answers, not including #5. Grumble, grumble. ;) I was cute, wasn't I?

Come on guys...don't the rest of you want to participate too?

Heath said...

Okay, let's resurrect this poor blog, guys! I love this post Adrianne; it rocked!

So, interview me, Adri. Let's do this thing!